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Curcumitol-Q BioBDMC 30

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Best Ways to Promote


Traffic Tip #1: Best converting traffic is: Email, display/native, non-branded search


Traffic Tip #2: Geographic: US, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ


Traffic Tip #3: Demographic: Women/men 55+. Interests: Healthy aging, longevity, supplements

Promotional Resources

Curcumitol-Q BioBDMC 30 (pain relief, fight inflammation, joint pain)


Unmatched quality bioavailable curcumin supplement helps relieve joint pain relief and inflammation.
A patented form of Curcumin that is 59 times more powerful than any curcumin supplement on the market today.
Includes two premium ingredients:
Curcumin BioBDMC 30: Targets inflammation and provides pain relief, while being optimized for high absorption in the body.
Quercetin: Supports the effects of curcumin, offering additional anti-inflammatory benefits and aiding in the reduction of swelling in the joints.
Key Benefits:
Helps reduce inflammation in the body which can be beneficial for conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and other inflammatory ailments.
Helps to neutralize free radicals.
Supports brain health and ehnances cognitive function including maintaining memory, focus, and overall brain health.
Supports heart health by improving endothelial function and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Email Swipes

All the email swipes are proven to convert. (They are written by one of the top direct-response copywriters in the world.) Start mailing these to your list and watch your revenue skyrocket! Remember to update the name and add your links where needed.
NOTE: You may ONLY send to opted-in subscribers. Do not send unsolicited emails or you will be immediately blacklisted.


Email #1

SL: 59 Times Stronger Than Regular Curcumin
Back in the 1990s, Franco Cavaleri was an undergrad and a competitive bodybuilder. He'd won several local and regional bodybuilding championships and was training for something bigger.
As a competitive athlete, Franco took many supplements. He took huge amounts of curcumin, for example, because it helped reduce muscle soreness and inflammation so he could train harder. But at one point, there was a shortage of curcumin, so he stopped taking it.
Within a few weeks, he started feeling aches and pains in his muscles. He also had terrible pains in his stomach.
Well, Franco thought back to his training. He remembered taking large amounts of curcumin and wondered if there was a connection. He began taking it again. Within weeks, he was back to training.
One year later, Franco won the Mr. North America International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness championships in his weight class! And he was able to overcome his stomach problems.
Franco decided to make nutrition his life's work. He started working towards a PhD in Experimental Medicine. In particular, he wanted to know why curcumin helped his inflammatory condition so much.
As part of his work, Franco "mapped" the pharmacology of curcumin. And he discovered something amazing…
Curcumin, as you may know, is the active ingredient in turmeric, a popular spice that gives curry its distinctive color. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayervedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory.
Franco discovered that curcumin is really comprised of 3 separate compounds: curcumin I (diferuloylmethane), curcumin II (desmethoxycurcumin), and curcumin III (bis-desmethoxycurcumin). And they don't work the same way.
Click here to learn why curcumin doesn't work for everyone. [AFFILIATE LINK]

Email #2

Subject line: This hidden element in curcumin targets inflammation an entirely new way
When I find something that really works, I want to let everyone know.
That's why I want to tell you about a new form of curcumin that is really making a difference.
Even if you have tried curcumin before… if you have serious joint or muscle pain or inflammatory issues…
…this new form of curcumin can give you the relief you can actually FEEL. Often in a matter of hours.
That's because the technology behind this new form of curcumin is a real game-changer.
A. It's more easily absorbed by your body… [LINK]
B. It has a hidden element that's not in regular curcumin… [LINK]
C. It's a powerful antioxidant… [LINK]
Click your answer above and I'll reveal what this new form of curcumin can do for your joint and muscle pains.
Yours for a pain-free life,

Email #3

Subject line: Turn the tide on chronic pain and inflammation
What happens when a bodybuilder-turned-research scientist uncovers a hidden element in curcumin that targets inflammation in an entirely new way?
He created a “superpower” curcumin formula that neutralizes MSK1 - to give you an extra pain-relieving boost.
But that’s not all…
He spent years researching, mapping, and concentrating curcumin III. He found a way to concentrate it to 30%. That’s the highest level of curcumin III on the planet!
And people are raving about the difference…
Click here now to discover it for yourself.
P.S. Today, you can be one of the first people to see the new research showing that this curcumin breakthrough could be providing pain relief you can actually FEEL - often in just hours!

Email #4

Subject line: Discover a hidden element in curcumin that targets inflammation an entirely new way
This new form of a curcumin is a real-game changer. And it has a fascinating story behind it…
Click here to read how a bodybuilder-turned-research scientist uncovered a hidden element in curcumin that targets inflammation an entirely new way.

Email #5

Subject line: Is inflammation and pain ruining your life?
Millions of people suffer from chronic inflammation.
Left unchecked, inflammation steals your energy. It can damage healthy cells, tissues and organs. Over time, it can lead to DNA damage. What’s more, inflammation is linked to the development of several serious health problems.
If you are experiencing aches, pains, brain fog, digestive issues, rashes and acne, or headaches, then it’s time to consider if inflammation is taking over your life.
Some simple lifestyle changes can immediately begin to reduce inflammation.
But one of the easier and fastest ways to start is to take a “superpower” curcumin supplement. Studies have shown that this curcumin breakthrough formula [LINK] fights inflammation in an entirely new way.
Discover this new solution for inflammation that is 59 times stronger than regular curcumin.

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